The Oliver Wyman CMT Journal, Volume 3

CMT Journal Vol. 3

Digitization is a wake-up call for the telecoms industry

In a rapidly changing digital world, the cards are now being dealt for a new game – one in which competitive stability is no longer the norm and where the most agile companies will outsmart the rest. This edition of the CMT Journal represents some of our latest thinking on the opportunities and challenges in this exciting industry.

The first section of the journal focuses on how telecoms operators can change to remain relevant for their customers in a digital world. In the second section, we look at how operators can create a value proposition that is sufficiently differentiated to mitigate the ill effects of a commoditising market. In the third section, we turn our attention to the telecoms network and how it is likely to change fundamentally in the future. The journal concludes with our views on how the ecosystem is changing and why the present disruption to the international roaming market could well become a tsunami for the industry.

Rafa Asensio
Most telcos provide an obsolete customer experience and are interchangeable in the eyes of consumers
Rafa Asensio Global Head of the Communications, Media & Technology Practice

The Oliver Wyman CMT Journal, Volume 3



Value Proposition

