Airline Business (February 2009) carries a bylined article by Blair Pomeroy and Scot Hornick on the topic of managing airline revenue pipelines entitled "Plugging the Leaks." Blair and Scot write that "most airlines lose – or 'leak' – enormous amounts of revenue through their Pipelines due to poor management of individual sections within the Pipeline or weak co-ordination of sections across the Pipeline…. Addressing the most obvious leaks can yield more than three to five percentage points of revenue within a year – regardless of an airline’s size, business model, or location – and additional benefits beyond." They conclude: "Many airline executives believe their carrier isn’t leaking much revenue. To these skeptics, we suggest conducting a Pipeline diagnostic anyway. Assign your best commercial staff for three months to the project, and see what happens. The opportunity to match or surpass the bottom-line impact of cost-saving initiatives should be a big enticement."
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