Davos 2018
Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World
The 48th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting will take place January 23-26 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. This year’s meeting is expected to bring together more than 2,500 leaders from business, government, international organizations, civil society, academia, media, and the arts under the theme “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.” The aim of the meeting will be to set an agenda that drives greater multistakeholder collaboration to address political, economic, and societal challenges of our times.
Dispatch From Davos
Our WEF18 delegation, including our CEO Scott McDonald, arrived in Davos Monday tonight to streets clogged with snow, avalanche warnings, and long lines as global business leaders converged. Find out more
Thank you to all who engaged in our Davos breakfast workshop Tuesday morning! CEOs and division heads across industries explored new opportunities for disruptive business models and how to transform mega-disruptions into growth opportunities. Find out more
CEO Scott McDonald and Financial Services Managing Partner Ted Moynihan hosted a roundtable luncheon on Tuesday to launch our 2018 edition of the State of the Financial Services Industry report. Find out more

Amid the heaviest snowfall that the WEF Annual Meeting has seen in 20 years, our Financial Services team is on the ground again in Davos this year and will be sharing our forward-looking strategies focused on industry transformation and innovation. Our special sessions cover disruptive business models, new sources of customer value, cyber risk, and resiliency planning for emerging tech risks.

Today’s world is one of revolutions – political, economic, commercial, industrial, social, and cultural. They are impacting individuals, corporations, and societies and causing the rise and fall of industries in just a few years. Our roundtable breakfast explored the new opportunities for disruptive business models created by mega-disruptions, fueled by digitalization and unforeseen acceleration of the innovation cycle. Mega-disruptions are why Amazon does not have a product marketing function. They are why Google changes its logo every day. More importantly for you, they are the untapped assets in your industry that will help you build a new business model that values them. If you don’t, someone else will. Anticipating and responding to mega-disruptions requires new types of responsive organizations that are more humane, authentic, empowering, digital-by-design, and able to cope with hybrid governance models.

By many measures it has been a good year in financial services. However looking to the future there remains a gnawing underlying concern for leaders in the industry: Where is growth going to come from? In particular, what if the new sources of customer value are created outside of the financial services industry in the coming decade? At our annual lunch and roundtable in Davos, business leaders had a chance to explore these questions and debate what actions should be taken to address them.
At the upcoming World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Marsh & McLennan Companies - including Marsh, Mercer, and Oliver Wyman - will showcase our intellectual capital on many of the most complex challenges of our time. Watch this short video featuring MMC Executive Vice President & General Counsel Peter Beshar to learn more.
Oliver Wyman at Davos
Oliver Wyman is on the ground again in Davos this year and will be sharing our forward-looking strategies focused on industry transformation and innovation. See details below.
Tuesday, January 23
Mega Disruption
7:00 am
Mega Disruption
Anticipating and responding to market disruptions - fueled by digitalization and unforeseen acceleration of the innovation cycle - requires new types of responsive organizations that are more humane, authentic, empowering, digital-by-design, and able to cope with hybrid governance models.
Nick Studer, Davide Taliente, and Hanna Moukanas
Morosani Schweizerhof Hotel
The State of the Financial Services Industry
12:00 pm
The Customer Value Gap: Re-calculating Route
This year's presentation will center on a gnawing underlying concern for leaders in the industry: Where is growth going to come from? In particular, what if the new sources of customer value are created outside of the financial services industry in the coming decade?
Scott McDonald and Ted Moynihan
Morosani Schweizerhof Hotel
Wednesday, January 24
Reports & Insights
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