What We Do

We specialize in maximizing warranty value — $10 million over five years for one customer —  embedded in aircraft, assembly, and component purchase, repair, and maintenance contracts. Cost savings aside, the results we achieve yield new insights into our clients’ maintenance processes and fleet reliability.

Warranty administration is often under-resourced and constrained by inadequate data. Maintenance and engineering groups can be unaware of the warranty terms embedded in hundreds of different procurement contracts or have limited capacity to actively identify, pursue, and contest claims. The people tasked with processing component repair claims often have a clerical or process and not an engineering background and so lack the engineering experience to properly review invoices; tear down reports; and effectively identify, pursue, and challenge vendors/OEMs on warranty opportunities.

We collaborate with and complement your existing component repair, finance, procurement, maintenance, and engineering teams. We leverage software and deep expertise to enable more warrantable parts, labor, and repairs to be identified and claimed. Clients get access to previously unavailable data, metrics, and analysis, including claim success rate, reason, and metrics for claim denial; historical performance; and the engineering insights provided by our team of dedicated engineering and claims experts.



Warranty Management Services
We manage the process for potential and actual claims, engaging with manufacturers and repair vendors throughout the process. Our engineering experience and familiarity with engine and airframe components, their performance, and repairs enable us to drive best-in-class outcomes. Our service includes monitoring and measurement of the warranty claims process, the value saved and created, and vendor performance.
Reduced Maintenance Costs
Our engineers provide insight on multiple value opportunities above and beyond the claims themselves, including turnaround time (TAT), no fault found (NFF), customer-induced damage (CID), maintenance action, reliability, aircraft out of service (AOS), and supply chain optimization ($3 million for one customer) to minimize unnecessary costs.
Seamless Data Integration
Our proprietary software seamlessly integrates data to and from any maintenance and engineering systems enabling us to quickly begin expediting warranty claims with no upfront IT cost.

Who We Are