This report is co-authored with the Climate Group.
In our Getting Real report for Climate Week NYC in 2021, we set out a blueprint for a commercially smart climate transition. What we heard back from practitioners was that the blueprint was a valuable guide to what was needed, but that it required an initial step in how to get it to happen. This year, we have focused on that question: How can climate practitioners make the approaches described in our blueprint play out in their organizations?
The biggest barriers they describe are not about their companies’ commitment; they are about how, in practice, to get their organizations to act on that commitment (see Exhibit 1).
For this report we interviewed nearly 30 climate practitioners in companies around the world and across sectors, and we supplemented the interviews with a quantitative survey with climate practitioners from more than 100 corporations active in the climate transition. From this, we have created a diagnostic tool to help organizations get going. We describe four core organizational enablers that make progress on climate possible, the barriers that may be stopping those enablers from working, and the approaches that some practitioners have used successfully to break through those barriers.
To get going, lead with strategy, not measurement
The stories we heard from practitioners range from exhilaration to frustration — even in the same interview. In this report, we work through the details of both, offering a structured framework to explore what barriers might be holding your organization back and how others have broken through those barriers.
Beneath all the detail, one theme stands out: The need for a strategy.
Enabling the organization to act
Through our conversations with practitioners, the broader quantitative survey, and our ongoing consulting work, we have identified four core enablers that make corporate action on climate happen (see Exhibit 3).
The topic requires attention throughout the organization, at all management levels. The organization needs a vision to set goals and priorities and give shape to an otherwise disparate and tactical agenda. This vision must be embedded in the reality of the organization’s operation. And the organization must align people’s overall accountability — not specifically for climate — in a way that supports and incentivizes the actions required.
Breaking through the barriers
While the barriers are real, we also heard many stories of businesses breaking through them. These stories lead to a menu of approaches.
Now that a commitment to climate action has been established in many companies, a range of practical barriers are making it hard to deliver on that commitment. But they are not insurmountable, and there are strong examples of practitioners and businesses breaking through these barriers to make real progress. It is time to tool up to match.