The exhibit, enabled by Ideal Life and NextGen Healthcare, will allow guests to experience a visit to a CareMore care clinic. They will see firsthand how CareMore’s operating principles (early intervention, speedy deployment, clinical control, and efficient allocation of resources) coalesce to form a highly effective model of care for all segments of the senior population, from the younger and relatively healthier baby boomers to the chronically ill and frailest patients.
At CareMore, healthcare is considered to be much more than just a clinical intervention.Leeba Lessin, President & CEO, CareMore Health System
The CareMore Model: Proactive & Coordinated
CareMore, led by President and CEO Leeba Lessin, serves nearly 75,000 Medicare members in Virginia, California, Arizona, and Nevada. The company is known for innovative programs that help those with certain health conditions, including congestive heart failure, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease. CareMore also provides programs for healthy aging. CareMore’s clinical approach centers on proactive intervention, as integration and coordination of care is not voluntary; intimacy of contact, where properly managing complexity requires constant knowledge of the condition; and finally, speed of action, making resources available and mobile to allow for adequate, timely care.