With increased global regulatory supervision over the enterprise risks of insurance companies, effective and efficient economic capital modeling has become increasingly essential to insurance executives. The Insurance Risk Benchmarks research provides metrics and insights to allow clients to understand if they are accurately quantifying risks by line of business, by industry segment and across cycles. The risk benchmarks are based on proprietary analyses of a database of financial results from thousands of property/casualty (P&C) insurance companies over a period of more than thirty years. This year’s research also refines the industry market segments to include regional composites designed to better group companies with similar exposure to natural perils.
The 2014 Insurance Risk Benchmarks Research: Annual Statistical Review is the first in a two-part series detailing research executed in collaboration with Columbia University. This, the fourth annual report, provides detailed analysis and insight on the property/casualty industry to help insurers strategically evaluate and benchmark inputs to economic capital models.
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