Institutional Investors and Infrastructure Financing

Institutional Investors and Infrastructure Financing

OECD working papers on finance, insurance and private pensions no. 36

One of the greatest potential threats to future global prosperity is a lack of key infrastructure in both emerging and developed economies. In response, Oliver Wyman’s Global Risk Center is participating in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s “Institutional Investors and Long-Term Investment” project.

This research effort is exploring how best to stimulate long-term infrastructure investment by institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, and sovereign wealth funds.

Institutional Investors and Infrastructure Financing  is one of the reports emerging from this project. The paper examines the sources of private sector capital for infrastructure financing and examines the barriers to investment.  It forms part of the project’s engagement with the G20 on financing for growth and development in different parts of the world.

Institutional Investors and Infrastructure Financing