The Oliver Wyman Health Innovation Center (OWHIC) is a collaborative group of cross-industry CEOs and senior decision makers, all of whom share a passion for dramatically improving healthcare. A primary goal of OWHIC is to mainstream proven innovations and accelerate their adoption, as much of what is needed to fix the system has already been developed but not diffused. We invite you to save and share our infographics, reports, and videos through our Pinterest board below.
Insights Applying The Urgency Of Solving COVID To Climate Change As we emerge from COVID-19, let’s harness the necessary spirit of collective endeavor in our fight for a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future. Insights Making The Invisible Visible Insights Making The Invisible Visible Women are still passed over for the most senior leadership roles with only one in four executives female. What's preventing progress on women in leadership?Insights Navigating the Present and Transforming for the Future Insights Navigating the Present and Transforming for the Future Interview with Rui Barbas, Chief Strategy Officer at Nestlé USAInsights Bringing Omnichannel Beauty to the Next Level Insights Bringing Omnichannel Beauty to the Next Level Interview with Maggie Chan, Greater China Managing Director at Sephora