On August 22nd , Ana Carla Abrão will release in São Paulo the next article on the Panorama Brasil series exploring the Brazilian Credit Market, presenting a diagnostic of the recent history and an agenda of necessary reforms to revamp the Brazilian credit market. The release will be followed by a round table of specialists to debate the different perspectives about the market. The discussion will include topics related to earmarked credit, legal uncertainty and bankruptcy law, information sharing, new trends of the industry, credit market regulations and the path to market growth.
This discussion will be led by:
· Ana Carla Abrão ( Oliver Wyman)
· Marcio Nakane (USP)
· Vinicius Carrasco ( PUC -Rio & Stone)
· Gabriel Madeira (USP)
· Rafael Ferreira (USP)
About the Event
Oliver Wyman invites all of those that are engaged in transformation of Brazil and the creation of a better country for everybody are invited to participate in this event and discussion.
The event begins at 17:00 and has an estimated duration of 2 hours.