What We Do

Transition to net zero starts with a strong climate vision and strategy.

Businesses, governments, and industry groups must define their climate vision and take a stand that works for them.

We help our clients chart the best net-zero transition, laying the organizational and cultural foundation necessary for achieving their ambitions, and creating the incentives for leadership and staff to make decisions in line with the climate vision.

Leveraging thought leadership from our industry practices, the Oliver Wyman Forum, and our external partners allows us to incorporate the latest expertise within your climate strategy. Whether you are a business leader or policymaker, we help you to set your climate vision and strategy, create a roadmap, and organize to achieve it.

We help businesses and institutions define their climate ambitions and set a clear roadmap to achieve them. We help create actionable plans that influence your organizational culture and mindset. Benchmarking efforts against peers and best practice, we help define transition targets that will help you stand-out as well as fit-in.
Tackling climate change requires a cross-disciplinary and integral approach. We work with businesses, industry groups, and governments to create stronger standards that contribute to the net-zero transition, while still driving short-term success.
Achieving net-zero requires focus and collaboration. We help clients organize themselves internally and align incentives to deliver on their climate ambitions.

What We Think

NACD Climate Compendium

NACD Climate Compendium

Climate change: the implications for boards.

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Climate Resilience Handbook

Climate Resilience Handbook

A comprehensive view of the risks and other implications of climate change that companies should be evaluating to prepare for the transition to a net-zero future.

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Global Risks Report 2021

Global Risks Report 2021

Inaction on economic inequalities and societal divisiveness may further stall action on climate change—still an existential threat to humanity.

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Climate Change Is An Opportunity For Business To Thrive

While it is often discussed in boardrooms as a major risk, climate change is also a business opportunity.

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Building Climate-Smart Boards

Building Climate-Smart Boards

Climate change has multiplied the challenges facing directors by significantly complicating risk oversight.

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This article first appeared in BRINK NEWS on April 21, 2021.

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Guiding Banks Through Climate-Related Impacts

Guiding Banks Through Climate-Related Impacts

Global banks need to come to grips with the potential disruption from climate change as investors, regulators, employees, and consumers seek greater clarity and

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Climate Change Will Restructure the Economy

Here's how banks can prepare.

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