Developing The Business Case For An Archipelago In The Netherlands
Social Impact

Developing the business case for an Archipelago In The Netherlands

Natuurmonumenten is an association with 750,000 members dedicated to preserving nature and cultural heritage in the Netherlands. Founded in 1905, Natuurmonumenten looks after more than 100,000 hectares of nature and is committed to growing, conserving, and managing nature reserves throughout the Netherlands. 

Oliver Wyman helped define the cost and benefits of further expanding the Marker Wadden, an artificial archipelago under development in the Markermeer, a lake in the Netherlands. Between 2016 – 2021 five artificial islands were constructed and have already improved the biodiversity, bird and fish populations and water quality of the local area. The further development of the Marker Wadden aims to expand and perpetuate "National Park Nieuw Land" by constructing additional islands and developing a nature area of international character. 

Restoring degraded landscapes requires substantial investments. Oliver Wyman helped Natuurmonumenten in an excellent way with the business case and cost benefit analysis for the ecological restoration of Lake Markermeer in the Netherlands. The positive outcome of the analysis will support the decision of the national government to invest in improving the ecological integrity of the lake
Roel Posthoorn , Project Director, Marker Wadden - Natuurmonumenten

Oliver Wyman helped create a business case for the further development of the Marker Wadden, assisting Natuurmonumten to monetize the impact on biodiversity, the release of nitrogen space, the improvement of the business climate in the region, and knock-on effects in terms of innovation for the civil and maritime industry.

This project will help Natuurmonumenten lobby for a significant Dutch grant that aims to provide approximately 2,000 acres of a new protected nature reserve in the heart of the Netherlands. 

I am very grateful to have been part of this project – to have this unique opportunity to contribute to the development of new land, helping to define a business case for creating nature. It was great to work with an organization dedicated to making this world greener for more than 100 years. Natuurmonumten and this project opened my eyes and showed me the incredible resilience of nature
Titus Zwartkruis, Consultant, Oliver Wyman