Xingyu Wu | Oliver Wyman Data Science and Data Engineering
Xingyu Wu
Senior Manager - Data Science and Data Engineering
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Xingyu is Senior Manager of Data Science and Data Engineering at Oliver Wyman Digital. Looking to drive business impact with big data, she has spent years developing and delivering a variety of data science and data engineering solutions for many companies.

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One of the things I enjoyed most working with big data is this industry moves so fast with cutting-edge concepts and technologies, and there is always something I can learn from almost every project I worked on

She specializes in machine learning and deep learning applications, and also has extensive experiences in data pipeline design and build with popular big data technologies and frameworks. She has led data science and engineering solutions across a wide range of industries and domains, ranging from building multi-lingual natural language processing pipeline to efficiently extract insights from free text and developing demand forecasting engine to support retail clients optimize supply chain, to modelling credit risk to help banking clients make decisions more efficiently, and facilitating personalized recommendations and churn prediction to achieve smarter CRM for airline clients. 

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Whether it is someone clicking on a personalized banner on a website, or someone gaining insights from social media data through natural language processing, I always treasure the moments when a solution goes live and starts to make a difference