Steve Beckey
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Steve is a partner in our Aerospace, Defense, and Government Services Practice.

He focuses on performance improvement and transformative programs for aerospace and defense (A&D) clients. With deep expertise in supply chain and operations, engineering, product development, and business operations he works with clients to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and drive bottom line performance. He supports clients across the entire merger and acquisitions lifecycle, as well as outside of deal environments. Steve develops pragmatic strategies, and his collaborative style proves invaluable when aligning a broad set of stakeholders to engage and support a transformative journey.

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It’s human nature to be captivated by great stories. At our best, that’s what we help clients do — tell stories that ignite change, motivate a workforce, or inspire a supply base. Every company has opportunity to improve, and seeing strategies put into practice keeps me motivated

A lifelong passion for all things aerospace led Steve to a career as a design engineer at Lockheed Martin. However, his curiosity to understand ‘how things work’ and a regular stream of questions about business decisions made a career in consulting a natural transition. Steve’s focus has been on supporting aerospace, defense, and government services clients to improve performance, increase competitiveness, and execute transformations as they navigate the turbulence of an ever-changing market.

He has worked across most A&D domains, demonstrating profound proficiency in aircraft (commercial and military) and space markets. Since the outset of his professional journey to present day, he is at home on the factory floor, and has visited and worked in dozens of A&D facilities in his career.

When not working, Steve enjoys traveling, exploring new and diverse restaurants, cycling, skiing, hiking, and spending time with his family.