Patrick O'Rourke
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A Principal in the Philadelphia office, Patrick assists insurance, reinsurance, and self-insured organizations with loss reserve analyses and loss projections relating to worker's compensation, professional liability, general liability, and product liability exposures. “Some of the most important client insights involve casual non-technical conversations that clients consider in addition to balance sheet or P&L implications,” he notes.  

Patrick realized actuarial consulting was a good fit early on. “Even as a child, I was critically analyzing problems and formulating my own solutions. As an adult, becoming an actuary allowed me to make a career out of what came naturally to me,” he explains.

In addition to those organizations mentioned above, Patrick’s clients have included competitive insurance companies, joint underwriting associations, state regulators, captive insurance companies, and various other corporations. With over 15 years in the actuarial consulting industry, his experience includes estimating unpaid liabilities and funding levels, or rate analyses, for self-insurance programs and captive companies for workers’ compensation, medical professional liability, general liability, and commercial automobile liability coverages.

Patrick is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.