Hiroaki Ishigaki
Managing Director
 // . //  Our People //  Hiroaki Ishigaki

Dr. Hiroaki Ishigaki is the managing director and head of NERA, the economic consulting unit of Oliver Wyman, Tokyo office and the company’s operations in Japan.

He is an expert in providing economic advice in antitrust, intellectual property, securities and finance, and energy. He has frequently presented his analyses to regulatory agencies and courts. In his antitrust practice, Dr. Ishigaki has analyzed the competitive impacts of many merger cases in a wide range of industries. He has addressed liability and damages issues involving bid rigging, cartels, predatory pricing, monopolization, abuse of a dominant position, and other antitrust violations.  Dr. Ishigaki has also evaluated damages in various intellectual property infringement disputes and reasonable compensation in employee invention liti­gations. In his securities and finance practice, Dr. Ishigaki has analyzed the liability claim and damages in securities litigations regarding various fraudulent financial reporting, as well as minority squeeze-out and derivative-trans­action disputes.

Dr. Ishigaki has published articles in various journals, and his comments and interviews have appeared in Nikkei, Nikkan Kogyo Shinbum, Nikkei Sangyo Shinbum, and Nikkei Business Online among others.

Prior to joining NERA, Dr. Ishigaki served as an economist in the mergers-and-acquisitions division of the Japan Fair Trade Commission.  Prior to that, Dr. Ishigaki was an Associate Professor of Economics at Ritsumeikan University and an Assistant Professor of Economics at Aomori Public College.

Dr. Ishigaki received his PhD and MS  in economics from Purdue University, his MA  in economics from the University of Tsukuba, and his BA  in political science from Aoyama Gakuin University.