Eiichiro Yanagawa
Senior Analyst
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Eiichiro Yanagawa is a senior analyst in the Banking practice of Celent, the financial-technology research unit of Oliver Wyman, and is based in Tokyo. 

Eiichiro's research focuses on IT strategy issues in the Japanese and Asian banking and financial industries. His recent research has included core banking systems, ATMs, and anti-money laundering technology. His work is focused on the technologies driving disruption in three areas: innovation, digital, and legacy and ecosystem transformation. Eiichiro's consulting experience includes development of bank IT strategies, thin client/desktop virtualization to support business continuity, evaluation of data centers for hosting core systems, and vendor selection of AML, risk management, and other technologies.

Eiichiro is widely quoted in the press, including Nikkei, Nikkei BP, ITmedia, The Japan Times, Bloomberg, SNL/ S&P Global, Gtnews, The Trade Asia, Asia Insurance Review, Asia Risk, and Asian Banking & Finance.

Prior to joining Celent, Eiichiro was the Chief Manager of the Financial Global Solutions Division and the Regional Bank Financial Solutions Division at NEC Corporation in Tokyo. There, he was responsible for developing NEC’s core banking system, strategic marketing planning, and consulting on financial institution systems. Prior to that, Eiichiro was the General Manager of the Financial Services Division at NEC Corporation of America in New York.

Eiichiro earned his BA in economics from Shizuoka University and his MBA at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Commerce and Management.