Oliver Wyman Mexico was named as one of the Best Places to Work for LGBT+ Equality in. We achieved a perfect score from the second HRC Equidad Mx equality index organized by the Human Rights Campaign in Mexico.
HRC Equidad MX 2019 evaluates work policies and practices related to LGBT+ Inclusion at the workplace, contemplating non-discrimination policies, employee resources groups and Diversity networks, in addition to the company’s social responsibility around LGBT+ topics.
Oliver Wyman Mexico is pleased to actively foster a culture of authenticity and Inclusion at the Workplace and be named one of the Best Places to Work for LGBT+ Equality, placing us among the 69 enterprises in Mexico that lead with LGBT+ Inclusion according to the second edition of HRC Equidad MX. Oliver Wyman Mexico had participated with Pride Connection Summit 2018, The XL Mexico City March and most recently It Gets Better Mexico.
To obtain more information around the HRC Equidad MX Program or download a copy of the index please visit hrc.im/equidadMX
To learn more about how our LGBTQ+ network is working to create a more inclusive culture visit can also learn more about how our LGBTQ+ network is creating a more inclusive workplace here > https://owy.mn/2Szwwt